Instructions for Quizzes, Tests and Quests

Quiz - Monday June 28th, 2010

This is the information you will need for the quiz which will be held on Monday.

The quiz will consist of two parts:

Part 1 will be an identify and give the significance of a list of terms               2.5 marks

For part 2 there will be two essay questions. You must choose one and write a clear, concise and fair response to it.    2.5 marks   = 5 marks

The test will be held through the duration of the class with 1hr30min with 30min left over for a brief summation, unless otherwise changed.

The following are the possible terms for the identify and give the significance portion of the test:

1. Tanzimat Reforms*

Serbian Nationalist Movement

2. Janissaries (1804)*

3. Karadjordge Petrovic*

Serbia/Russia/Habsburg Connections

4. 1812 - Treaty of Bucharest*

1815 and 1830 in Serbia

5. Dositej Obradovic*

Greek National Movement

6. Rigas Velestinlis (1757-1797)*

1814 - Phili Etairia; Greek Revolution

7. Bulgarian Nationalist Movement*

8. Bulgarian struggles to rid Hellenistic influence*

1870 Bulgarian Central Revolution Committee

9. Vasil Levski (1839-1873)*

Macedonian Nationalist Movement

IMARO Internal Macedonian Adrianople Revolutionary Organization

Albanian Nationalist Movement

10. Sami Frasheri (1850-1904)*

The Balkan Wars 1912-1913

11. “Unmixing” of peoples*

12. June 28, 1914 - The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie Duchess of Hohenberg*

Gavrilo Princip

Young Bosnia Movement

Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points

King Alexander I

Prince William of Wied

Ahmed Zogolli

Bulgarian Agrarian National Union

Aleksandar Stomboliyski

Eleftharios Venizelos

13. Enver Hoxha*

Dissolution of Yugoslavia during WWII

14. Josip Broz Tito*

15. Milovan Djilas*

The Cold War in the Balkans


16. Destalinization*

King George II

Urbanization after WWII

Georgi Markov

17. Lyudmila Zhivkova*

Agrokomerc Scandals

18. Simeon Saxe Coburg - Gotha*

19. Slobodan Milosevic*

20. Collapse of Yugoslavia (final)*

Part 2 - Essay questions

You will be given a choice to tackle one of two of the following essay questions:

1) In the introduction to Kemal Kurspahic’s “Prime Time Crime: Balkan Media in War and Peace,” there is a quote by Elie Wiesel which reads:

“Indifference is not a beginning, it is an end. And, therefore, indifference is always the friend of the enemy for it benefit’s the aggressor, never his victim whose pain is magnified when he or she feels forgotten. The political prisoner in his cell, the hungry children, the homeless refugee, not to respond to their plight, not to relieve their solitude by offering them a spark of hope is to exile them from human memory. And in denying their humanity we betray our own. Indifference then is not only a sin, it is a punishment. And this is one of the most important lessons of this outgoing century’s wide-ranging experiment in good and evil.”

Please write an essay in which you closely read and analyze this quote in an effort to consider the connections it has to the war in Yugoslavia and perhaps other wars within the last century. You can also talk about this quote and its relation to “human nature” as you see fit. Limit your answer to at least 1 full paged that is typed double spaced. Be sure to thoroughly discuss the quote and use specific lecture notes in an effort to connect your thoughts within the context of your essay to your lecture notes.

2) Write an essay in which you carefully consider the idea of nationalism and nationalist movements in the 19th and 20th C in an effort to answer the following key question:
Considering the national movements of the 19th and 20th C in the Balkans, name some of the revolutionaries who helped shape the time period through certain cultural products. Identify and give the significance of at least 3 prominent figures drawing on lectures that apply.

You can also approach the topic of nationalism by focussing on how nationalism can be viewed as both positive and negative by focussing on early aims of nationalism from the 19th and 20th C as well as positive and negative forms of nationalism during the final Yugoslav War (1992-1995).

Please note that the test essay questions are quite broad and you can answer them in any way that you see fit. Your approach is totally up to you.************************All essays should be at least 1 page in length; typed double spaced.************************All answers to identify and give the significance should be written as follows: in the first section you are to answer the who? what? when? where? that should take only about 3 or 4 sentences. The last part of your identification should be the why? Here, you must answer why this item is important and this should be around 3 to 4 sentences too. However, it is hard to judge how long your answer should be because you can answer the first part who? what? when? and where? in a sentence quite easily. The why? part which is the SIGNIFICANCE portion of the test is the one that needs to be longer than one sentence because you are weighing out why something is important. We will look at how to formulate such answers in class. Aids allowed:-you are allowed to use your class notes for this test.  USE OF INTERNET-BASED WEBSITES IS PROHIBITED.


LAN200207 Test

This is the information you need to know for the upcoming test:

It will be divided into 3 portions. Part A will be conugations, Part B will be Identifications and Part C will be an essay. Each part will be worth 5 percentage points for a total of 15%

The test will be held through the duration of the class with 1hr30min with 30min left over for a brief summation, unless otherwise changed.

Please make note of the following possible test terms.

Serbian Nationalist Movement

 Janissaries (1804)

 Karadjordge Petrovic

Serbia/Russia/Habsburg Connections

 1812 - Treaty of Bucharest

1815 and 1830 in Serbia

Dositej Obradovic

Greek National Movement

1814 - Phili Etairia; Greek Revolution

Bulgarian Nationalist Movement

8. Bulgarian struggles to rid Hellenistic influence

1870 Bulgarian Central Revolution Committee

Macedonian Nationalist Movement

IMARO Internal Macedonian Adrianople Revolutionary Organization

Albanian Nationalist Movement

The Balkan Wars 1912-191311.

Gavrilo Princip

Young Bosnia Movement

Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points

King Alexander I

Prince William of Wied

Ahmed Zogolli

Bulgarian Agrarian National Union

Aleksandar Stomboliyski

Eleftharios Venizelos

Dissolution of Yugoslavia during WWII

The Cold War in the Balkans

Cominformists16. Destalinization*

King George II

Urbanization after WWII

Georgi Markov

 Lyudmila Zhivkova

Agrokomerc Scandals18. Simeon Saxe Coburg - Gotha

 Slobodan Milosevic

We went through the possible conjugations in class.

Part C Essay -

1. Considering the urbano-rural relations between the nature of and definition of what it meant to be "modern" in the Balkans, write an essay which focusses on the gender-specific relationships and roles within these seemingly different communities with specific examples from lecture themes. Fundamentally speaking you can approach this topic in a broad way where in which you are free to discuss issues pertaining to clothing, gender roles and the like.

2. Discuss the nature, themes, target audience and influences of the music of either Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia or Croatia. What are some of the similiarities and differences that we can see between these countries? What part of the history of these nations can we see as having a unique influence or influences on these nations?